Guernsey Girl

Welcome to my blog! I am Erica Bodman from Guernsey, 25 years old. I started rowing in 2008, retired in 2013.

Life goes on. This is my story.

Thursday 17 May 2012

The Pink Double

Our new blog is live - for our doubles project this summer. See for more details on what we are doing and who is helping us.

We are doing some internal racing this weekend at the GB base Caversham lake. We have what is called a speed order, where lots of different boat types race over 2k and then they compare our times by converting them to a percentage of gmt, although in rowing this stands for 'gold medal time' rather than Greenwich mean time. At the end of the weekend we will have an order of speed for all the boats that raced, ranked by percentage of gmt rather than time. Hence a single can come out top in the speed order, with the highest percentage despite being the slowest boat. We are racing Friday 18th, and Sunday 20th, a flat out 2k race both days, it is a great opportunity to practice our race plan and prepare for regatta racing.

Lets hope for good rowing weather!

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